Top 11 Apartment living lifestyle advantages

Apartments have increasingly become the most supplied property type across cities in India. Their popularity can be attributed to reasons including but not limited to contemporary looks, modern-day amenities, in-house maintenance and better security. In this age of consumerism, apartments have made it so easy to own your own cozy little space in the city. Home loans with reasonable interest rates take care of the financial aspect and the plethora of available options suiting every pocket and needs makes apartments the perfect choice for dwelling. Its popularity also means its easier to sell or rent out. Millennials also choose to buy or rent apartments as their abode because it suits their fast paced lifestyle, has flexibility and low commitment with all the luxuries of staying in a complex. Building a house on a plot from scratch is a long term and expensive investment which would suit buyers with a joint family, investment plans or just a strong inclination towards a customised standalone house.  Thus, if a property is being bought for self use or investment purposes, apartments might prove to be the best option unless one wants the liberty to design the house according to their specifications.

Let’s ponder over the lifestyle advantages provided by apartments:

1. Apartments provide a wide choice of dwellings at various price points at various locations with specifications according to one’s means and choices. Most apartments are based in gated communities which have lush landscaping, manicured lawns and colorful flowers which are a treat for sore eyes and can be enjoyed anytime without the effort of maintaining them. Moving into an apartment is also an easier proposition where one can just shift and immediately get on with daily life.

2. A prime location always gives better appreciation on the hefty investment. While opting for apartments one will always find the suitable price, which is comparatively cheaper than any other property. Appreciation in the value of an apartment is proportion with the initial investment one makes.

3. Residents have the opportunity to interact with each other and foster friendships and community living. Festivals and special occasions have double the fun and happiness when celebrated with people who care about us. It’s good for adults and children alike to have peers with whom they can spend their leisure time as it helps in forming lifelong bonds and mental stimulation. It gives everyone a sense of belonging which is the essence of the social fabric which keeps us together in a harmonious bond.

4. The apartment complexes, by virtue of a large number of households, attract a large number of businesses to be set up nearby and within no time the area develops and becomes self sustainable which also results in appreciation of the property.

5. Amenities like clubhouse, swimming pool, gymnasium, shopping complexes, ATM etc., are available in the apartment complexes itself which make life so much more convenient and efficient. Residents can actually enjoy their recreational time instead of just rushing to and fro office. Modern lifestyle has led to now homes being built based on specific needs like Senior living homes for people above 55 years and Kid Centric Homes for the holistic development of children.

6. Apartments are safer because they are within a gated community with fences and walls. Round the clock security and CCTV at vantage points have become the norm rather than the exception. Neighbours also help in keeping an eye on the house when you’re away for a long duration.

7. Apartments have a dedicated maintenance team which are available round the clock and because of the pooled resources the cost of services reduce drastically. Residents don’t have to worry about the wear and tear by the weather forces; everything is taken care of by the maintenance team.

8. Due to proper maintenance, the resale value is high and with a wider buyer base, selling and buying an apartment is a much quicker proposition. Nowadays the builders have dedicated teams who help in selling or renting of the apartment. Renting apartments is also quite the norm nowadays as you just have to pay rent and enjoy the various benefits just like the permanent residents.

9. Property experts advise investing in an apartment complex because private land/house deals are more prone to cheating and fraud. On an individual level, it is very difficult to tackle such a situation.

10. It is easier to get a loan for an apartment than an independent property as banks often prepare a list of sanctioned projects where a buyer can easily get the loan approved.

11. The apartment can also be put on rent and burden of EMIs can be revoked, if a home loan has been availed. This reduces the financial strain to a large extent.


Living in an apartment is fuss-free and comes with numerous benefits including enjoying a modern and carefree lifestyle, living in a community characterised by friendships and strong support system, being close to amenities and public transport, and the ability to move in and out in a short timeframe while incurring fewer costs. An apartment’s positive points make it the perfect choice for a family to fulfill its dreams of owning their own private little world in the maddening rush of a city. Apartments are available for every family size, unique specifications and budget; and additionally it suits and enhances today’s urban lifestyle. Apartments are sustainable in nature and at the forefront of vertical growth which is the perfect answer to the real estate’s space crunch.

Category: Premium Homes,

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About The Author

Ashiana, Ashiana Housing build homes. Homes surrounded by vast green spaces and fresh breeze. Homes cocooned in secured gated complexes. Homes where futures are forged and there are opportunities to grow. And Homes in environments brimming with healthy activity, trust and respect. At heart, we build communities with care.

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