Vastu for Home by Ashiana Housing

Vastu for Home is believed to be a science that aligns the five elements i.e. earth, water, air, fire, and sky in complete harmony. Vastu’s literal meaning is ‘house’ and hence the science is popularly known as Vastu-Shastra.


It is believed that Vastu-Shastras add value to our life by defining various fundamental design aspects of our houses. There’s scientific backing to every Vastu guideline, and it can bring a lot of peace to our lives. Vastu-Shastras aim at providing a comfortable and convenient lifestyle to everyone.


Vastu Tips for Home


Which direction should the entrance face?


According to Vastu-Shastras, the directions which are considered auspicious for the main door of the house are – north, north-east, east, or west. The directions – south, south-west, north-west, and south-east should be avoided. However, even these directions can be corrected following additional guidelines from Vastu shastras like putting a lead metal pyramid or a lead helix near the entrance, etc.


What should be the ideal kitchen placement?


It is believed that the lord of ‘Agni’ or fire exists in the southeast direction, hence, it is advisable to have the kitchen in the southeast corner of the home. Moreover, all the objects that represent fire, like the gas stove, microwave oven, toaster, etc. should be kept in the southeast direction, such that the person using them, faces east. In case the southeast direction is unavailable, the kitchen can also be built in the northwest direction, keeping in mind the appliances from the previous point.


What does Vastu say about the rest of the home?


Vastu states that the master bedroom of the house should be in the southwest direction, as it brings good health and prosperity for the homeowner. Moreover, it is advised that the master bedroom if occupied by the married couples would bring prosperity into their lives.


Northwest or east directions are suitable for children’s bedrooms, and a bedroom in the north is considered very lucky for young individuals just starting off their professional life. Electronic devices like a television or a computer should be avoided in a bedroom as they really hinder the overall sleep health of the people sleeping there. It is also said to paint the bedroom with light colors as they help in a peaceful sleep. Additionally, the bedroom should be kept neat and tidy, and as clutter-free as possible at all times.


The living room or the hall should face north, east, or north-east, with furniture being on the south-west side, and electrical appliances on the south-east section, preferably.


People often tend to ignore the Vastu of toilets and bathrooms which often results in negative vibes for the house. The most suitable direction to have the bathroom in the northwest as it supports easy waste management. Also, the first choice door for the bathroom should be wooden and shouldn’t be decorated with any symbols or religious idols, and should be kept closed at all times.


Why Vastu-Shastra?


Vastu-Shastra rules tend to add a positive vibe to the house and the people living there. Little things affect the mood of people, and this is what Vastu-shastras keep in check. A house that is in compliance with Vastu will tend to have healthier and happier residents as compared to one that is not.


Some post-construction tweaks according to Vastu-Shastra


Vastu rules don’t end at the construction. There are certain ways in which we can correct the missing out elements of Vastu of a house without even touching  the construction, like –

  • A scenery depicting a long road can be placed in north-east direction
  • A picture of the rising sun in the east helps in strengthening social relations
  • If the entrance of your home has a naked wall, a picture or an idol of Ganesha or Laughing Buddha is advisable
  • Don’t put any mirror in the kitchen
  • Make sure that the windows of the house open outwards
  • Place natural green plants and candles in the bathroom to remove negativity
  • A fish aquarium in the north-east direction of the house is a great tweak to reduce negative energy
  • The hinges of doors and windows should be noise free, and regularly oiled

Having talked a fair deal about Vastu-Shastras, an excellent property that follows all these guidelines of Vastu, is Ashiana Shubham, Chennai. It is a Senior Living Project by Ashiana Housing Ltd. which provides an active living lifestyle to the elderly in a calm and peaceful environment with amenities studded homes. It is one of the best in class Senior Living Projects in the country, with state-of-the-art infrastructure and lifetime efficient services by Ashiana Maintenance Team. The project, rather, each and every house of the project is Vastu-Shastra complying, which makes it even more adaptable.

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About The Author

Athira Kumari,

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